Sunday, December 8, 2013


I worked in a team of four to make a short Yugioh duel. The monsters and environment were created in Maya, while the actors were composited into the scene with Nuke and MatchMover. Aside from compositing, I created the Vampire Baby model.

Model Walk

Exaggerated walk cycle of a model, done in Maya. 


3D model of a cross between a human and a raccoon, done in Maya.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


       3D model of Charlotte, one of my original characters, done in Maya. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


3D model of Julia, one of my original characters, done in Maya. Character image drawn with mechanical pencil and colored in Photoshop.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Zodiac Zombie

Bigger version of the Zodiac Zombie.

Zodiac Succubus

Bigger version of the Zodiac Succubus.

Zodiac Nymph

Bigger version of the Zodiac Nymph.

Zodiac Siren

Bigger version of the Zodiac Siren.

Zodiac Ghost

Bigger version of the Zodiac Ghost.

Zodiac Banshee

Bigger version of the Zodiac Banshee.

Zodiac Mermaid

Bigger version of the Zodiac Mermaid.

Zodiac Gorgon

Bigger version of the Zodiac Gorgon.

Zodiac Werewolf

Bigger version of the Zodiac Werewolf.

Zodiac Vampire

Bigger version of the Zodiac Vampire.

Monday, September 2, 2013